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PostSubject: After Quitting Smoking After Quitting Smoking    After Quitting Smoking  After Quitting Smoking EmptyThu Mar 10, 2011 12:13 pm

After Quitting Smoking After Quitting Smoking

flower flower flower flower

Just kidding.

But not about how to lose weight – this is how to lose weight for free. In fact – done correctly – you will actually make money losing weight if you buy and cook less food. I am going on a diet myself, having gained weight recently. I have gained the weight through a combination of sitting on my ass making a living blogging and more recently – quitting smoking.

Quitting the cigarettes has been total bastard for me. I decided that I wanted to be quit my the time I hit 50 years old and I am 49 this year – so – after my last birthday in August I quit. I had already put 30 pounds on over the preceding 2 years – basically because I spend all day on my ass. Now I have put on another 30 pounds in the 6 months since I stopped smoking. Which makes me an uncomfortable 291 pounds. 60 of which are recent additions. Now it is time to say goodbye to those extra pounds.

I honestly expected to put some weight on when I gave up smoking – but I am surprised at how much. Nevertheless – as I could see myself getting heavier – I decided that it was more important that I quit smoking than that I put on some weight. So – 6 months quit – now I do something about that.

“If you don't move, you get fat,” says the image under Michaelangelo's David. Too true – and if you are feeling some affinity with the photo-shopped David – it might be time to think about going on a diet.

I am faced with the double whammy of spending too much time sat down and working from home where I have access to all the snacks I want, plus a smoking craving that meant I was stuffing my face with snacks at every opportunity. . So my approach is going to be two pronged:

sunny sunny sunny sunny

Move More Eat Less
The second part of my approach to losing weight will be exercise. I bought a mountain bike recently – using the money I saved from quitting smoking – and – although I have been ill on and off for the last three months, which I attribute to the stress of giving up smoking, and the weather has been horrible – I am planning on two hours of mountain biking three times a week, plus a 3 mile walk on the days I am not riding.

I splashed out on a heart rate monitor – a polar RS100 and a book by Stu Mittleman - “Slow Burn :: Burn Fat Faster by Exercising Slower.” I have heard good things about Stu and so far – so good. I need some extra motivation and a plan and the book and heart rate monitor have given e that.

But – you must find what works for you, and if the thought of a bicycle and heart rate monitor has you reaching for the cigarettes with suicide in mind – you need to find what will work for you.

I genuinely do not believe it is possible to lose weight quickly, safely - you are probably going to put it straight back on if you try and lose weight fast. The best exercise to lose weight is one that you are comfortable doing and you are going to continue doing. As I mentioned earlier - the best way to lose weight - nay - the only way to lose weight - is to eat less calories than you burn. So th amount of calories you need each day to lose weight will be heavily dependent on the amount of exercise you are doing. I am going for long slow and hopefully enjoying the process.

I am lucky enough to live near some great mountain biking trails, the weather is starting to look like Spring is here and you may need to be creative based on where you live and what sort of person you are. Maybe join a gym; buy a kayak, go running, lift weights, take up karate – anything to make sure that you move more and eat less.

I am determined to lose the weight I put on giving up smoking and have now given myself a year to lose the extra 60 pounds. I am not going to be unrealistic. I think one year to drop 60 pounds is doable. But – I am not going to shoot myself if I don't make it.

flower flower flower
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